Thursday, September 24, 2009

Eleven Down, One To Go!

So today I started round 6 of my chemotherapy -- finally. Each round is a month and is comprised of a chemo treatment, followed by a week off, follow by another chemo treatment and then another week off. In total, each round has 2 treatments and 2 off weeks. So in short, what that means is that I had my 11th treatment today. Doing some quick math (and with out a calculator), if my total treatment protocol was 12 treatments, and I've completed 11, then I only have 1 remaining. (oh boy, it looks like I've been reviewing too much elementary school math homework lately).

I must admit I was a bit apprehensive today, prior to my blood test results. My fear was that my white blood counts had tanked to a level where it wouldn't be safe to administer the next chemotherapy infusion. It's been a very long ride so far, so I dread the possibility of any further delays.

Fortunately, even though my neutrophil count dipped a staggering 1600 points in the past week, to 760, it was just high enough to allow for chemotherapy today. So the good news is that I had chemo today and we're getting closer to the finish line. The bad news is that I had chemo today and FEEL like I had chemo today, a bit toxic and nauseous. But this is old hat by now and will eventually dissipate.

I will still have to be extra careful as we enter flu season to keep my distance from anyone with the sniffles or otherwise and be sure to continue with my dietary restrictions to limit any possible exposure to food-borne bacteria.

For now, my immediate goal is to stay healthy enough for next couple of weeks, so we can wrap up with the last treatment on October 8th. Then I can focus on the more important issues at hand, like what I'm going to be for Halloween this year!

That's it for today. Thank you for reading. I'll write again when I have some new information to share. As always, please go out and do something positive today, hug a loved one and count your blessings.


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